Lambertville House Tour 2023
Lambertville’s 40th year House Tour Sunday, October 22 This is a self-guided walking tour with volunteers to help you at each tour site. Walking around Lambertville is involved; it usually takes 2-3 hours to do the entire tour. Visit Lambertville’s spectacular historic homes and sites! We are proud of our town of approximately... Continue reading→
New Hope Arts And Crafts Festival
New Hope Arts And Crafts Festival Saturday & Sunday September 23 & 24 NEW HOPE, PA — More than 160 juried fine artists and craftspeople will be in New Hope over the weekend for the 29th Annual New Hope Arts and Crafts Festival presented by the Greater New Hope Chamber of Commerce. The... Continue reading→
Designer Fashion Show
Designer Fashion Show Lambertville runway show featuring NYC designer Morgan Grabarz, the Sojourner and Eleanor Voorhees. AT: The Event Center at the Lambertville House 32 Bridge Street, Lambertville, NJ Runway is for everyone, and it’s coming to Lambertville fresh off the heels of New York Fashion Week. Join us for a night of fashion to... Continue reading→
SWEAT BY LYNN NOTTAGE August 25, 26, 27, September 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16 G. Anthony Williams of the People’s Store is delighted to make his Langhorn Players debut in this powerful and timely production. Anthony studied acting in New York City with several notable groups, was the associate producer of... Continue reading→
August Monthly Sound Healing
August Monthly Sound Healing Friday, August 25, 2023 7:00 PM 8:00 PM The Reiki School and Clinic54 Coryell StreetLambertville, NJ, 08530 Join them for a candle-lit journey to the outer limits of the universe and in-word to your very essence through a nourishing, immersive sound bath. These events will run monthly. Click the... Continue reading→
ANTARA RETREAT – Lambertville
ANTARA RETREAT What lies within EAST COAST ANTARA RETREAT 3 DAYS / 3 NIGHTS AUGUST 25TH – 27TH, 2023 LAMBERTVILLE, NEW JERSEY LED BY JAN BIRCHFIELD HOW TO SIGN UP Please see our pricing info below and determine which price is right for you. Then click the registration button and fill out the registration form,... Continue reading→
Art Show – Gary Giordano and Paul Behnke at Prallsville Mills
AUGUST 4-6, 2023 WITHIN YOU, WITHOUT YOU New Paintings by Gary Giordano and Paul Behnke Within You Without You features contemporary abstraction and expressive figuration by local artists Gary Giordano and Paul Behnke. The painters’ work communicates forays into the landscape of the unconscious that map connections to both artists’ interior worlds and their physical... Continue reading→
YOGA Wednesday’s in July
~ YOGA ON WEDNESDAYS in July ~ From Johann Furst’s Studio above the People’s Store. Johanna is excited to bring you yoga classes right here in her studio, with Kerry Auret Kerry is an intuitive, gentle teacher who will guide you through an invigorating wellness hour. In addition to her yoga practice, Kerry is a... Continue reading→
Antique Art Bin / Tool Box
Perfect for the artist in your life! Primitive Art-Bin / Tool Chest with two drawers & a cubby. $110. Open every day 10-6 PEOPLE’S STORE ANTIQUES CENTER 28 NORTH UNION ST LAMBERTVILLE NJ 08530 #antiques #peoplesstoreantiquescenter #lambertvilleantiques #lambertvilleantiquing #artbin #artchest #antiqueartcabinet #artistbin #antiqueartistcubby #antiquetoolchect #antiquetoolcabinet #antiquetoolbox #primitivetoolbox #handmadetoolbox #primitivebox Continue reading→
Antique Arched Mirror / Repurposed Window
Repurposed Antique Arched Window Mirror 36″ width x 31″ height $195. Open every day 10-6 PEOPLE’S STORE ANTIQUES CENTER 28 NORTH UNION ST LAMBERTVILLE NJ 08530 #antiques #peoplesstoreantiquescenter #lambertvilleantiques #lambertvilleantiquing #archedmirror #repurposedwindow #antiquemirror #architecturalwindow #architecturalmirror #arcitecturalelements #architecturalantiques #repurposedwindow #antiquerepurposedwindowframe #antiquearchedwindowframe