Chris Lorvirnic's Showroom

Chris Lorvirnic's Showroom

Vintage Vinyl Records
Visit Chris Lorvirnic's showroom on the 2nd floor Gallery.
All records are professionally spin-cleaned & ultrasonic cleaned & tested.
Dealer code CJL
In the last few years, record sales surpassed CD sales, and Vintage Vinyl records have become in significant demand.
You deserve to be able to relax, sit back and listen to an album from beginning to end. Enjoy opening a record album, kick back and read the liner notes, study the fantastic artwork on the album cover, and enjoy listening to the music that helped make you who you are today or who you want to become. Vintage Vinyl is a much better experience than any digital file can offer you.
Come see what Chris has for you today!
Open every day 10-6
message or email if interested