“Artist Talk” Hosted by Gallery Gary Giordano 09/23/18

Sunday September 23, 11:00am

“Artist Talk” Hosted by Gallery Gary Giordano

Open to the public

3rd floor of the People’s Store

Everyone is welcome to join a good conversation, discussion, debate.

Lots of things to talk about!

How do you define yourself as an artist? What experiences (educational and/or career and/or personal) have been formative in shaping you as an artist? EX: Do you have an art degree? Are you self-taught? Etc.

What is your motivation or motivations for making work? Do you make work with the hope of earning gallery representation? If so, where? What galleries? Is your motivation to make work sales driven? Do you make work that you think/feel does NOT work within the normal constructs of the traditional gallery model? Why do you feel this way? What options have you explored as possible outlets for your work beyond this traditional gallery model? Which have worked? Which have not?

What do you feel is the ideal venue or platform for viewing your work? What influences this decision? Do you feel that the viewing context (traditional gallery versus non-traditional setting) of art alters how the work is received/perceived and ultimately valued by the public? Do you see shifts in the manner in which art is exhibited? What are these shifts or examples of these shifts? (apartment style galleries being one of the many………………)